Keto Mini Cupcakes
If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that I like to bake. I don’t like to cook quite as much, but I’m getting there. I do like to eat, and I decided toward the end of last year that enough is enough – I order way too much takeout, and I want to stop.
Also, I have been following the keto diet on and off for … well technically for years, because I’ve done Atkins back in the day, but since last summer (with a few month break since Christmas, ahem) quite seriously. I don’t have a ton of weight to lose, but I’d like to find a way to keep my weight steadier than going up and down all the time, and keto seems to help with that, as long as I’m not stopping it for months at a time, like recently, *ahem.*
So obviously as someone who likes to bake and eat baked goods, there are some sacrifices to be made following a really low carb diet. I don’t like to do too many baked good substitutions, mostly because I find they are still generally quite high in calories, and occasionally a bit high in carbs, but I do need a treat here and there. This little beauty fits the bill.
Are you laughing? Because these are seriously the ugliest cupcakes ever made!! In my defense, I haven’t made or piped with buttercream in about 8 years, and never with sugar substitutes, but still, these are hideous. HOWEVER, I promise they taste good, and they were just for the family, so no one cares. The basic recipe I followed is here BUT, I made some substitutions:
- I halved the recipe because I only had a cup of almond flour left, and to that I added 1/4 cup of coconut flour to get to the required amount
- I used vanilla extract (the good vanilla!) instead of lemon
- I used 1 egg plus about 2 tbsp of egg whites, because how do you measure half an egg?
- Instead of coconut oil I used about 2 tbsp of sour cream (remember my recipe is half that of the one shown there)
- No blueberries
I am going to post a few more photos of the ugliest cupcakes ever over on Instagram. Don’t let my terrible piping put you off, just try them and do something significantly less horrific with the frosting!