• Baking,  MachineKnitting,  Personal,  Polymer Clay,  Sewing

    Craft Boredom Cycles and The Very Long Year

    This is a less informational/more personal post than I normally put here, so if you’re not in the mood for a ramble, you may want to skip it. I just wanted to share something that I have noticed about myself. I have seen several people mentioning it lately, so I don’t think it’s limited to just me. Crafting Boredom. Do you ever get afflicted? By this I mean, do you ever look at your heap of supplies for this hobby you have, that you LOVE, and just…don’t wanna? It’s happened to me before, many times. The first time it was hand knitting/crochet. I had a lot of yarn, all kinds…

  • Baking,  Desserts,  Food,  Keto

    Keto Mini Cupcakes

    If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that I like to bake. I don’t like to cook quite as much, but I’m getting there. I do like to eat, and I decided toward the end of last year that enough is enough – I order way too much takeout, and I want to stop. Also, I have been following the keto diet on and off for … well technically for years, because I’ve done Atkins back in the day, but since last summer (with a few month break since Christmas, ahem) quite seriously. I don’t have a ton of weight to lose, but I’d like to find a…

  • Baking,  Food

    On Bagels

    Recently I decided I wanted to attempt to make bagels. I didn’t know much about bagels, if I’m being honest, just that we were going through a ton of them here. Two older kids who love them, plus a husband who eats them on the weekend, meant we were going through two packages from the store each week. Well, one day we ran out, and I thought, “This is madness, I’m finding a bread machine recipe and making my own.” Obviously I knew I would have to shape them, and bake them, and boil them. I didn’t know I was about to fall down a rabbit hole of “What makes…