Keto Mini Cupcakes
If you follow me on Instagram, you may know that I like to bake. I don’t like to cook quite as much, but I’m getting there. I do like to eat, and I decided toward the end of last year that enough is enough – I order way too much takeout, and I want to stop. Also, I have been following the keto diet on and off for … well technically for years, because I’ve done Atkins back in the day, but since last summer (with a few month break since Christmas, ahem) quite seriously. I don’t have a ton of weight to lose, but I’d like to find a…
Polymer Clay!
Sorry, I know it’s been forever since I posted, but I have started 6 posts and not finished them. I will blog the other knitting things I’ve been up to, I promise. Just…not now. My newest obsession is polymer clay. I’ll spare you the long, drawn-out hoopla about why I wanted to try it, but it is a lot like working with fondant, which I miss about my cake-making days. Recently I decided I couldn’t wait anymore, I had to try it NOW! And I’m so glad I did! My first project was a pair of donut earrings. (Yes I know it’s doughnut, but my stupid phone doesn’t accept that,…
On Bagels
Recently I decided I wanted to attempt to make bagels. I didn’t know much about bagels, if I’m being honest, just that we were going through a ton of them here. Two older kids who love them, plus a husband who eats them on the weekend, meant we were going through two packages from the store each week. Well, one day we ran out, and I thought, “This is madness, I’m finding a bread machine recipe and making my own.” Obviously I knew I would have to shape them, and bake them, and boil them. I didn’t know I was about to fall down a rabbit hole of “What makes…